Thursday, November 19, 2009

REUNITED!!! day!!! We gathered at starbucks because it was convienient for Allie(inside joke) and we were talking about our project. We will most likely have an amazing video project....I kinda of dont want to spoil it because then theres no point of the presentation...It just going to WOW kate....But there are definitely going to have many funny puns...

Now the research paper is on the i hope its good but i am going to have to talk to kate and I will on the conference on sunday!!! I am on the iffy side about it like im going to focus on a specific religion!!

Like i said i need to talk to kate!!


Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Okay... so I'm assuming none of us have sent an essay link to Kate so I went ahead and did it. I think I CC'd everyone on it, so check your compclass email so you can read it and have your notes for tomorrow. Here is the link:

Here is a video that I think is relevant in a direct yet in-direct way. As we research our topic more, this video and the opinion expressed in it will be important to our arguments on way or another. It's a quick 2 minute video taken from an interview with Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia. I disagree with about 95 percent of every position he has taken. He is of the academic school of thought that the U.S. Constitution is "dead," meaning it's interpretation should not evolve with changing times and values. I disagree with that point of view, however... he is representative of the conservative populace in this country. BUT, using his view of the constitution, one could argue that freedom from religion is an implied right which is included in this dead constitution.... a view which is at odds with the very conservative groups of voters who believe strongly in Scalia's rulings. This is veryyy complex, but we can talk about it. Watch the video!

Back to the essay link I emailed to Kate... I think you have to be logged on to esantafe to access it. Anyways, we need to start meeting up to plan how we are going to do all of this. We should exchange numbers, email adresses or whatever...

you can hit me up at 305-606-0648 or email me at

Lets get on this!! I need an A and I'm sure everyone else does too. Can't get in to UF with a 3.0...... and the last thing I need is a C in English if I'm doing anthropology, journalism, international relations, law...!!!! lol.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Final Project

I like our topic. Some people are pretty hardcore about their beliefs about the seperation of church and state... one way or another... and a few are somewhere in the middle. BUT, unlike the abortion issue... I've found that with this discussion you can sometimes find middle ground with others.

Anyways... I'd have to say I'm agnostic, leaning towards atheism. I believe that there MIGHT be a god... but I'm not too fond of religion. All religion does is start wars and devides human beings, when we should all be united. Now, I don't feel that my beliefs should be imposed on other people... the same way that I'm not going to force someone else to question the existance of a "higher power."

One can be spiritual without being religious, per-se. Few things piss me off in the world more than people who come up to you and talk to you and tell you that you have to be "born again," and "baptized with the spirit." Now I understand that some religions call for people to "spread the word of god" ...but I think thats extremely annoying and offensive. I hate being preached to. My issue with this is... this is a country unlike any other in the world. We don't have 2 or 3 ethnic groups, we have HUNDREDS of different cultures... all on one land... and you can't possibly be tollerant of every perspective without removing religion from public spaces.

Okay... I could go on more, as usual, but I wont.

I'm at the public library and can't save a picture to the desktop to post it here... so I have a Wikipedia link about the history of the seperation of church and state in the United States. Wiki itself isn't credible, BUT... at the bottom of the page there are a bunch of citations where you can find the original sources of information.


Thursday, November 5, 2009

Good/Bad News

Im going to definitely start with the bad news...except now thinking about it i realize that some is bad but at the same time good and the news thats good is at the same time bad.... So bad news... there was no class today... last thursday the readings were able to be read so we post poned it to thursday and now we had no class and I was definitely ready for that quiz... I needed the "A". The good news would be that we all decided what topic to write about. Its about religion and if it should be included and school and what not but im kind of unsure about the whole topic. Like first i dnt know what topic to choose, second dont know if religion and arguments are good idea but im willing to try it. So this was suppose to be discussed in class today but i guess we will have to talk to kate about it another day. :(


-Rosa :)


NO CLASS!!!?!?!?!?! and when I read every single reading and I read them more the three times I believe! Well anyways, our topic for our final paper is pretty sweeeet! I'm really passionate about God, so i'm excited to be able to talk about how it should be in schools and that it's not just something that is in schools. God is in everything and definitely in America. It all goes back to the beginning of time. I'm interested on how the video thing plays into it all. I'm looking forward to see how it all turns out. Anyways this is completely off topic but can ya'll believe it's freaking November!?! I feel like it's still Sep. it's crazy how fast this semester is going. It's kind of sad. I have always hated writing and english, but now i really enjoy it. Going to this english class has been one of my fav classes by far and as weird as it might sound i'm going to miss this class and kate. Well on that note I hope every one has an awesome weekend! I will see you all Tuesday! :)

-allie g

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Okay, I'm on a PC... I can't figure out how to get a picture up here for the life of me. I'm tired and in a bit of pain... so I'm not going to lie, I don't even want to bother figuring out how to get one up here.

Anyways, I think its important that we all talk about ideas for our final project before we get to class on Tuesday. Anyone have ideas?? I'm sure we all want to hear about them... talk about them... etc.

Lets do something original, and if its not original lets try to make it really interesting.

Well, see everyone Tuesday!
