Thursday, November 5, 2009


NO CLASS!!!?!?!?!?! and when I read every single reading and I read them more the three times I believe! Well anyways, our topic for our final paper is pretty sweeeet! I'm really passionate about God, so i'm excited to be able to talk about how it should be in schools and that it's not just something that is in schools. God is in everything and definitely in America. It all goes back to the beginning of time. I'm interested on how the video thing plays into it all. I'm looking forward to see how it all turns out. Anyways this is completely off topic but can ya'll believe it's freaking November!?! I feel like it's still Sep. it's crazy how fast this semester is going. It's kind of sad. I have always hated writing and english, but now i really enjoy it. Going to this english class has been one of my fav classes by far and as weird as it might sound i'm going to miss this class and kate. Well on that note I hope every one has an awesome weekend! I will see you all Tuesday! :)

-allie g


  1. Dont worrry i couldnt believe it either with the whole no class thing!! But with our topic I am kind of iffy about it because i dnt know which side to choose or to be neutral about it!!! I guess we'll have to discuss this together!!


  2. Hey everyone...

    Well, yea these past few months have gone by pretty quickly. Maybe a little too quick... not much time to get our grades up!!!

    BUT... atleast everything is moving forward. I'll adress the rest of your post on a seperate one, Allie :).

    See everyone on Tuesday

