Thursday, October 29, 2009


So.... I haven’t written a blog in forever and i am disappointed in myself but I have good reason. It’s just kind of personal and don’t want need the whole world to know. So…today in class it was a really good time. We had to make an argumentive topic and we came up with really good ideas. I am really excited for this project because we are probably going to choose something really interesting and our visual and auditory context are going to kick some butt. I am really good at those things because I use to do videos and things for my high school tv production class.

By the way…. I really hope John gets better and that money starts coming in after that taking the companies money. You can probably get yourself a new scooter. :)

-Rosa Taveras

Thursday, October 22, 2009

the next essay coming up!

I'm super excited about our next paper we have to write. I'm also a little nervous as well having to write using ethos and all that jazz, but I think once I get my notes and everything ready before class tuesday everything will be fine. Other then that I'm really excited! I think it's going to be a lot of fun! The whole Orwell thing has me a little confused still. It really stresses me out! I understand about what Orwell was saying in the paper he wrote, but I have a hard time picking up on all the meaningless word when we hear or read things. It's super hard for me to see through all that and to see that whoever is talking "pretty" is really saying a bunch of bs or using fullers. I guess it just takes practice....? Anyways, other then that I'm still excited about the next paper coming up. I'm planning on reading all the essay tomorrow and pick whichever grabs my attention more, but they all sound really good! Well, I will see you all next week! Have an awesome weekend! :)


Wednesday, October 21, 2009

So, last class was interesting. God, that's cliche, I'm going to stop saying that. Anyways... I didn't read the article the night before like I was supposed to... but I got a chance to read it while in class. The discussion about language and George Orwell's emphasis on its importance was fascinating. 1984 is bar FAR my favorite book. It had a huge impact on me when I read it for the first time as a sophomore in high school. 9/11 had happened about a year or two before and our country was going through a massive change and a restructuring of the role of our government. I saw the country going down the road that Orwell had described in his book and it scared the crap out of me. That was the book that opened my eyes back in early highschool. Some people have one event that they can point to in their lives and say "that's what made me who I am today." Reading that book was one of those events for me. Anyways, 1984 puts a ton on emphasis on how language can be manipulated and used to destroy individual thought. The essay we read was so interesting because we saw how language was so important to Orwell... it put a lot of things in context, we were able to see just how essential language was in Orwell's writing and the role it played in his narrative structure.

I could go on and make a book about last class and why it was so interesting, but I'll stop myself. I've written enough. See everyone tomorrow!


Friday, October 16, 2009

i know its late.

well i know that this is late but i just arrived in louisiana late last night and was way too tired to write it last night so i just remember and i am doing it now hope kate dont take off. well class thursday was ejoyable. the videos and breaking them down helped me somewhat with learning ethos pathos and logos but i am still confused because some can be 2 of them and that confuses me which one it is. i love how Kate helps with what we are talking about by breaks it down so that everyone has a better understanding. By the way Kate is pretty hialrious at times and i really like that quality in a teacher. that reminds me of this one time back in high school i had this teacher and we called him mr c well he was the funniest teacher ever he taught us but we also had fun like for example we could online and listen to funny prank calls and shit like that and it was so cool. but then some ass told on him and he got fired so tha sucked ass. but thats what i like about college and im glad i am out of high school.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

It's 1:30 AM...

...on Thursday night... and I'm writing a blog entry for my English class. Okay... I don't want EVERYONE all at once to tell me how cool I am... that would just be overwhelming. I was going to go do something since it's the start of homecoming weekend... but I made a promise to my liver that I would give him a rest... so I stayed home and read parts of a book from Carl Jung about the Collective Unconscious... told you I was awesome. And if THAT is not cool enough for you... I've got the Fonz to help me out. (I think everyone knows who he is... if you've watched Family Guy or Happy Days...)

I just totally wrote in a paragraph full of filler and am totally admitting it. So I guess that would justify my doing so, correct? Thanks for allowing me to validate!

I enjoyed class today... it was nice having a visual medium from which to compare ethos, pathos, logos. I found some of the arguments supporting the repealing of the city ordinance to be pretty pathetic.

If ethos, pathos, logos is confusing anyone... remember root words in the english language and connect them accordingly... like I've written out below.

I'm far from being a pro... I'm just a student... so this might be wrong, Kate please correct me if I am.

Ethos - ETHical appeal. Based on credibility of the writer.
Pathos - PATHOlogical appeal. Emotional appeal.
Logos - LOGical appeal.

Well, that helped me... hopefully it'll help you.

Cheers! and happy weekend.



I feel terrible, I haven't wrote one of these blogs in a while. Anyways, those videos of the amendment one thing were both very weird and confusing. In my opinion they both seemed to be voting for no. The judge from the actual no vote kept saying "no" like a bunch of times and the other one freaked you out with the creepy guy following the little girl. Then asking if we we wanted that in our city...Are you crazy? I would hope no one would want that! It was just very confusing, I thought. Anyways, that ethos, pathos, and logos thing was pretty confusing as while, but today helped a lot when kate was showing us threw the videos and the fear factor article. I still will need more understanding on how we have to write like that, and the difference from how we write now to that. I'm pretty sure she'll explain more though she never leaves my thoughts hanging.


Thursday, October 8, 2009

Peer review

ok well since i didnt do my rough draft for my narrative essay this was my first peer review and that in a way frightened me because i didnt really know what to do so i just followed the paper and answered all the question. when i was reading my comments i realived that i used some weak ass openers and closers and i know i have to work on that but other than that i think i did a pretty good job. and today in class we found out about our next essay and now that one definatly frightens me. i mean we dont know what its about so its all going to be so new and i dont write very well like that because i get nervous and think im gonna screw up so i might need a little extra time on my essay. i think kate was pretty proud of me today because i did my reading and participated in class and i like that feeling of knowing what and the hell is going on so from now on im going to tryu and read all my stuff every week. that amendment 1 thing confused me really bad i dont get why they have to be so complicating??? oh well i guess they have to seem very educated and try to confuse everyone else.
well good luck to all my band members on their final drafts for the comparison and contrast essays. i love our band. we are the best
well i keep trying to add a picture but its not working so i guess im gonna give up??? hope you guys dont have the same problem

-Josh Fortson

2nd Peer Review!!

In class, we did the peer review for the compare and contrast essay and unlike last time I didn’t feel like I did a horrible job. I actually thought it was a decent paper (English is not my greatest subject). So I went into class feeling pretty good. I read someone else’s paper and we did this practically the whole time in class and at the end I went to go see how many comments he had given me and there were 23 comments and let me tell you I freaked out… but when I went t go read them some of them or actually most of them were just comments that he was suggesting I took out and words that should be replaced. There were other comments but not a big deal they need to comment in anyways.

Thursday, October 1, 2009


So, I went today to watch food inc. and I saw that food is nasty. It reminded me of what my history teacher was talking about....there was this guy names Upton Sinclair who went undercover into meat packaging because he wanted to see what was really in the meat. Then when he went he found rats and rats poo and all that good stuff was getting packaged. So then that was when they created the pure food and drug act in which they have to put label on their packages and state everything that is in their meat or drinks. The movie made me realized how much I hate looking at food movies that talk about whats in it and where it came from. I don’t think I’ll be eating out for a while or maybe even at home since I buy packaged meat from publix. Really frustrated now!!!

-Rosa Taveras