Thursday, October 8, 2009

Peer review

ok well since i didnt do my rough draft for my narrative essay this was my first peer review and that in a way frightened me because i didnt really know what to do so i just followed the paper and answered all the question. when i was reading my comments i realived that i used some weak ass openers and closers and i know i have to work on that but other than that i think i did a pretty good job. and today in class we found out about our next essay and now that one definatly frightens me. i mean we dont know what its about so its all going to be so new and i dont write very well like that because i get nervous and think im gonna screw up so i might need a little extra time on my essay. i think kate was pretty proud of me today because i did my reading and participated in class and i like that feeling of knowing what and the hell is going on so from now on im going to tryu and read all my stuff every week. that amendment 1 thing confused me really bad i dont get why they have to be so complicating??? oh well i guess they have to seem very educated and try to confuse everyone else.
well good luck to all my band members on their final drafts for the comparison and contrast essays. i love our band. we are the best
well i keep trying to add a picture but its not working so i guess im gonna give up??? hope you guys dont have the same problem

-Josh Fortson


  1. ok...i missed class and now you are scaring it really that hard?? Wow... well dont worry im pretty sure you are going to do fine!! And proud of you too for participating even tho i wasnt there!!jahaha

    -Rosa Taveras

  2. sorry for frightening you. she was just saying how it was gonna be really long. im not really scared just dont really know what to expect

    -Josh Fortson

  3. by the way..besides the essay what else did i miss??

  4. nothing really just talked alot about the new essay and took some notes. kate said we will probably need to start taking notes on her talks to help us with our essay. we can use our notes to help us with the essay.

    -Josh Fortson
