The weather is amazing today. Its nice and cool outside... I'm only coming back inside to write a blog entry.
I'm not used to this kind of weather, this is a typical mid January day in Miami. Amazing what a difference being inland and only 350 miles away makes. January in Miami is my favorite time of year. Drop below 50 and you've lost me though, I can't deal with that. My blood isn't made for that. Some people like cold - up north type weather though, as Hunter S. Thompson says about those types of people "my blood is too thick for California. I've never been able to properly explain myself here." Okay, okay, I just had to find an excuse for a Thompson quote, crucify me. ANYWAYS...
Kate!!!!- I really, really, REALLY hope you have another outdoors class. That was TOTALLY awesome. It kept my ADD at bay and kept me kind of focused.
And as for what we were talking about fair trade (in reference to the essay on consumerism) you guys should DEFFINITELY go to the farmers market. I go every Wednesday, its freggin awesome. I reccomened you guys try the fresh hummus... and there is a stand that sells awesome fresh bread. And they sometimes have pretty good music there too. Support your local business! Okay, yes I'm an urban hippie... but seriously, check it out.
See everyone next week. Cheers!!