Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The Hunt

Today was interesting. I never saw Pollan's article the way I saw it today. It's crazy to think of hunting the way he did almost in the sense, like he said, "porn hunt" or something to that affect. I understood today what he meant, but from a different perspective. I was completely blown away to see through different eyes and to experience his disgust. Like I referred today in class, it was almost like the movie Taken; going out on a "hunt" looking for an aimless, innocent soul wondering around and attacking the being at its weakest moment. After having complete control of the victim using it for their pleasure, it's sad to see it that way but it's the way we as mankind were created. I believe God made us as humans with many animal instincts, which is why we have men who abuse there wives or family, as well as women go crazy and fight for their young. I really enjoyed rethinking and looking more in depth with Pollan's reading. I understand how he was disgusted, but also believe that it's the way God created mankind to always be out on a "hunt" in some sort of way. Also, I was very pleased to read the ending of his article and to see what, how, and why he redefined his definition of the "perfect meal." I have had the pleasure of reading his article and know about him. I am very interested into looking more into his upcoming stories and events.

Allie Garcia

1 comment:

  1. Great blog! Oh and by the way Taken was an amazing movie. i have only seen it once and i wish i could see it again. i need to go out and get that one. well great blog

    -Josh Fortson
