Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Just Do It!!!

Well… let me just say that even though it wasn’t discussed in class yet… the article about this man who ordered a pair of Nike shoes and wanted to write sweatshop on. The emails sent back and forth were the funniest thing but Perreti was a bit harsh at the end with the whole can you do me a favor and send me a picture of the little Korean girl who is making them. That was a just a bit a rude and unnecessary . I know that maybe if he didn’t write why he wanted the word sweatshop then they would’ve written it for him. This is a lesson for you not to be rude to people… besides the customer is always write.

On other news, we would’ve rocked the responses but of course our professor was rushing us. But at least we finished…. Good job Th3 Unkn0wn$!!!


  1. I like your blog is it kinda short, direct, and to the point of how you felt about it. Oh and i like your picture kinda funny.

    -Josh Fortson

  2. thanks...the little boy just did it!!!
