Tuesday, September 22, 2009

you know what else... where >> I << come from...

...You probably fail for insulting the professor.

That was my lame attempt at creativity. Hey, but I caught my ""audience's"" attention... didn't I?
I should get an A for that one.

Anyways... that was also a creative attempt at being narcissistic. I think I succeeded, and my admission that I believe that I did in-fact... succeed only adds to the narcissistic writing style of this blog post. Hey, I'm using what we learned in class today! Get it...

No I'm not trying to make satire about what we learned, I really did learn some things today in class... like how to improve my sentence structure... which, thank you Kate... will torment me and will only add to my obsessive compulsive tendencies. Now, instead of writing my papers 1 hour before they are due, I am going to have to start a week early so I can revise and re-revise... etc.

I almost died today on my way home. I was riding my scooter home and some a**hole in a black Nissan Maxima decided to tail me right as I was making a right on to NW 13 St from 39 ave. He rode right up on my tail and basically sped up to me as I was turning. I fell off, but I won't make this uber dramatic. (I used uber... we talked about how the English language borrows from other languages today) ((except I can't, for the life of me, figure out how to write an umlaut)). I just scraped my knee and burned my arm pretty badly. But its all good. "Why did he mention that" you might ask... because there are thousands of scooters in this city, so don't drive like an asshole... please... 6'0" 220 lb guys on tiny 50cc scooters don't make for a good mix... or rapid turning for that matter. So, share the road.

By the way... isn't it awesome how there is a "gif" file for EVERYTHING.


  1. - By John Estes

    Don't worry, I'll get around to doing the email thing asap so I don't have to write the "by" thing every time.

    Damn, I should've found a way to use a semicolon on my blog post today!

    I know that would've looked great; in fact, I'm sure it would've definitely caught our professor's attention. There I did it! Oh, the irony. Cheers... see everyone on Thursday.

    I just had to use a bunch of stuff that we talked about in class today to make up for the fact that I had NO idea what to write about

    -Also by John Estes

  2. 1) hilarious entry
    2) poor guy! glad to hear that you didn't die. THAT'S always a bummer, no?

  3. well I'm glad to here you're doing okay and that you're not dead! haha and I loved the picture you used!

    -allie g

  4. hilarious entry and glad to hear your ok man.

  5. u need to be careful witht the whole bike thing!! im glad you are okay!!!this is why my dad never let me get one!

