Thursday, September 24, 2009

titans vs lights

well i think im gonna compare the covers of remember the titans and friday night lights. i really dont know how to compare them. i mean kate helped alot today but im still pretty confused on how to compare mine. well i better start tomorrow on it so i dont procrastinate and then dont do it. its a start to fight my procrastination problem. wish me luck. well i just wanna say i am extremly glad we have john in out band. He is really good at taking what we all say and expanding it and making it sound alot smarter then how we say it, So i just wannna say thanks john. Well the main reason i wanted to compare the two covers i picked was the fact that i love football and both movies and pretty muvh forgot that we were only comparing the covers but its all good i know i can do it. well i will see you guys on tuesday. good luck on your papers and have a safe weekend. if you need me you know how to reach me.


  1. Good luck! breaking procrastination is VERY hard but possible! I am now just getting started on my rough draft.... not too excited but once I get going I'll probably (hopefully) enjoy writing this paper. Anyways see you Tuesday!

    -allie g

  2. Thanks for the compliments, man. I appreciate it.

    As for your project, you'll do fine. I would suggest that you look for old movie posters, and not just the covers. See if you can compare the different kinds of posters and find the two that have obvious differences in how they capture the attention of their respective target audiences.

    Just a suggestion, I'm not an English teacher so I may be wrong... but if I were writing my essay on that, thats what I would do.

    Good Luck


  3. welll...good luck to procrastination and to which ever poster u choose

    and thanks john!!

