Thursday, December 10, 2009

Good luck "The Unknowns"

I saw this pic and just had to use it. lol

WoW well i can't believe it's the end of the semester already but im so ready for it to be over. i learned a lot this semester. thanks to everyone that was always there to help if i needed you. im sorry that i couldn't do the final project with you guys but hey its all good yall did amazing that was hilarious. well its been fun getting to know you guys this semester and i wish yall the best of luck in the future and with your exams and wherever your schooling takes you. i know next semester i am gonna be focused because its really easy to fall behind. well thanks for being nice and fun. we had some good times.


Sunday, December 6, 2009


I am kind of excited I’m done…now I just need 4 more semesters to go!! I’m very close!! Hahaha…but I am happy we all came through at the end. Thanks Allie for letting me go to your house and letting us use your crops and thanks for John with his lines because if it wasn’t for those we would’ve been lost. That day was sooooo progressive until I got home and it didn’t want to work on the computer.

I was literally up from the time I left her house until about 8 in the morning trying to make it work. But it wasn’t happening….Thank god kate understood because if not we would have been screwed…. Well, we presented it on Thursday and everything went good. The video played, kate laughed and people were actually interested in the topic.
It has been a good but long semester…hopefully in enc1102 it’s as good as 1101. Well, good luck to everyone in their finals and everyone did really good in their presentations.(that was just incase someone else besides kate reads this).

Final Project

Soooo... This is probably my second to last blog entry.

I think we did well in our video presentation. Kate laughed, so that was a plus. And considering the fact that I had the flu and was practically dying with how cold it was in Allie's backyard... we did great!

Thanks Rosa for working your ass off on the editing.... I know that we had maybe 30 minutes of stuff taped that you had to go through and then put everything together. And Allie, you pulled off Nancy Pelosi great... and thanks for letting us use your backyard!

I'm kind of sad that it's almost over... okay not that sad, but I'm not looking forward to ENC-1102. I refuse to take online classes, so I don't think I'll be able to take Kate again... I'll probably get some asshole who would rather be doing something other than teaching a class full of kids like myself who didn't get in to UF yet.

Good luck on your final papers everyone!


Thursday, November 19, 2009

REUNITED!!! day!!! We gathered at starbucks because it was convienient for Allie(inside joke) and we were talking about our project. We will most likely have an amazing video project....I kinda of dont want to spoil it because then theres no point of the presentation...It just going to WOW kate....But there are definitely going to have many funny puns...

Now the research paper is on the i hope its good but i am going to have to talk to kate and I will on the conference on sunday!!! I am on the iffy side about it like im going to focus on a specific religion!!

Like i said i need to talk to kate!!


Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Okay... so I'm assuming none of us have sent an essay link to Kate so I went ahead and did it. I think I CC'd everyone on it, so check your compclass email so you can read it and have your notes for tomorrow. Here is the link:

Here is a video that I think is relevant in a direct yet in-direct way. As we research our topic more, this video and the opinion expressed in it will be important to our arguments on way or another. It's a quick 2 minute video taken from an interview with Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia. I disagree with about 95 percent of every position he has taken. He is of the academic school of thought that the U.S. Constitution is "dead," meaning it's interpretation should not evolve with changing times and values. I disagree with that point of view, however... he is representative of the conservative populace in this country. BUT, using his view of the constitution, one could argue that freedom from religion is an implied right which is included in this dead constitution.... a view which is at odds with the very conservative groups of voters who believe strongly in Scalia's rulings. This is veryyy complex, but we can talk about it. Watch the video!

Back to the essay link I emailed to Kate... I think you have to be logged on to esantafe to access it. Anyways, we need to start meeting up to plan how we are going to do all of this. We should exchange numbers, email adresses or whatever...

you can hit me up at 305-606-0648 or email me at

Lets get on this!! I need an A and I'm sure everyone else does too. Can't get in to UF with a 3.0...... and the last thing I need is a C in English if I'm doing anthropology, journalism, international relations, law...!!!! lol.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Final Project

I like our topic. Some people are pretty hardcore about their beliefs about the seperation of church and state... one way or another... and a few are somewhere in the middle. BUT, unlike the abortion issue... I've found that with this discussion you can sometimes find middle ground with others.

Anyways... I'd have to say I'm agnostic, leaning towards atheism. I believe that there MIGHT be a god... but I'm not too fond of religion. All religion does is start wars and devides human beings, when we should all be united. Now, I don't feel that my beliefs should be imposed on other people... the same way that I'm not going to force someone else to question the existance of a "higher power."

One can be spiritual without being religious, per-se. Few things piss me off in the world more than people who come up to you and talk to you and tell you that you have to be "born again," and "baptized with the spirit." Now I understand that some religions call for people to "spread the word of god" ...but I think thats extremely annoying and offensive. I hate being preached to. My issue with this is... this is a country unlike any other in the world. We don't have 2 or 3 ethnic groups, we have HUNDREDS of different cultures... all on one land... and you can't possibly be tollerant of every perspective without removing religion from public spaces.

Okay... I could go on more, as usual, but I wont.

I'm at the public library and can't save a picture to the desktop to post it here... so I have a Wikipedia link about the history of the seperation of church and state in the United States. Wiki itself isn't credible, BUT... at the bottom of the page there are a bunch of citations where you can find the original sources of information.


Thursday, November 5, 2009

Good/Bad News

Im going to definitely start with the bad news...except now thinking about it i realize that some is bad but at the same time good and the news thats good is at the same time bad.... So bad news... there was no class today... last thursday the readings were able to be read so we post poned it to thursday and now we had no class and I was definitely ready for that quiz... I needed the "A". The good news would be that we all decided what topic to write about. Its about religion and if it should be included and school and what not but im kind of unsure about the whole topic. Like first i dnt know what topic to choose, second dont know if religion and arguments are good idea but im willing to try it. So this was suppose to be discussed in class today but i guess we will have to talk to kate about it another day. :(


-Rosa :)


NO CLASS!!!?!?!?!?! and when I read every single reading and I read them more the three times I believe! Well anyways, our topic for our final paper is pretty sweeeet! I'm really passionate about God, so i'm excited to be able to talk about how it should be in schools and that it's not just something that is in schools. God is in everything and definitely in America. It all goes back to the beginning of time. I'm interested on how the video thing plays into it all. I'm looking forward to see how it all turns out. Anyways this is completely off topic but can ya'll believe it's freaking November!?! I feel like it's still Sep. it's crazy how fast this semester is going. It's kind of sad. I have always hated writing and english, but now i really enjoy it. Going to this english class has been one of my fav classes by far and as weird as it might sound i'm going to miss this class and kate. Well on that note I hope every one has an awesome weekend! I will see you all Tuesday! :)

-allie g

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Okay, I'm on a PC... I can't figure out how to get a picture up here for the life of me. I'm tired and in a bit of pain... so I'm not going to lie, I don't even want to bother figuring out how to get one up here.

Anyways, I think its important that we all talk about ideas for our final project before we get to class on Tuesday. Anyone have ideas?? I'm sure we all want to hear about them... talk about them... etc.

Lets do something original, and if its not original lets try to make it really interesting.

Well, see everyone Tuesday!


Thursday, October 29, 2009


So.... I haven’t written a blog in forever and i am disappointed in myself but I have good reason. It’s just kind of personal and don’t want need the whole world to know. So…today in class it was a really good time. We had to make an argumentive topic and we came up with really good ideas. I am really excited for this project because we are probably going to choose something really interesting and our visual and auditory context are going to kick some butt. I am really good at those things because I use to do videos and things for my high school tv production class.

By the way…. I really hope John gets better and that money starts coming in after that taking the companies money. You can probably get yourself a new scooter. :)

-Rosa Taveras

Thursday, October 22, 2009

the next essay coming up!

I'm super excited about our next paper we have to write. I'm also a little nervous as well having to write using ethos and all that jazz, but I think once I get my notes and everything ready before class tuesday everything will be fine. Other then that I'm really excited! I think it's going to be a lot of fun! The whole Orwell thing has me a little confused still. It really stresses me out! I understand about what Orwell was saying in the paper he wrote, but I have a hard time picking up on all the meaningless word when we hear or read things. It's super hard for me to see through all that and to see that whoever is talking "pretty" is really saying a bunch of bs or using fullers. I guess it just takes practice....? Anyways, other then that I'm still excited about the next paper coming up. I'm planning on reading all the essay tomorrow and pick whichever grabs my attention more, but they all sound really good! Well, I will see you all next week! Have an awesome weekend! :)


Wednesday, October 21, 2009

So, last class was interesting. God, that's cliche, I'm going to stop saying that. Anyways... I didn't read the article the night before like I was supposed to... but I got a chance to read it while in class. The discussion about language and George Orwell's emphasis on its importance was fascinating. 1984 is bar FAR my favorite book. It had a huge impact on me when I read it for the first time as a sophomore in high school. 9/11 had happened about a year or two before and our country was going through a massive change and a restructuring of the role of our government. I saw the country going down the road that Orwell had described in his book and it scared the crap out of me. That was the book that opened my eyes back in early highschool. Some people have one event that they can point to in their lives and say "that's what made me who I am today." Reading that book was one of those events for me. Anyways, 1984 puts a ton on emphasis on how language can be manipulated and used to destroy individual thought. The essay we read was so interesting because we saw how language was so important to Orwell... it put a lot of things in context, we were able to see just how essential language was in Orwell's writing and the role it played in his narrative structure.

I could go on and make a book about last class and why it was so interesting, but I'll stop myself. I've written enough. See everyone tomorrow!


Friday, October 16, 2009

i know its late.

well i know that this is late but i just arrived in louisiana late last night and was way too tired to write it last night so i just remember and i am doing it now hope kate dont take off. well class thursday was ejoyable. the videos and breaking them down helped me somewhat with learning ethos pathos and logos but i am still confused because some can be 2 of them and that confuses me which one it is. i love how Kate helps with what we are talking about by breaks it down so that everyone has a better understanding. By the way Kate is pretty hialrious at times and i really like that quality in a teacher. that reminds me of this one time back in high school i had this teacher and we called him mr c well he was the funniest teacher ever he taught us but we also had fun like for example we could online and listen to funny prank calls and shit like that and it was so cool. but then some ass told on him and he got fired so tha sucked ass. but thats what i like about college and im glad i am out of high school.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

It's 1:30 AM...

...on Thursday night... and I'm writing a blog entry for my English class. Okay... I don't want EVERYONE all at once to tell me how cool I am... that would just be overwhelming. I was going to go do something since it's the start of homecoming weekend... but I made a promise to my liver that I would give him a rest... so I stayed home and read parts of a book from Carl Jung about the Collective Unconscious... told you I was awesome. And if THAT is not cool enough for you... I've got the Fonz to help me out. (I think everyone knows who he is... if you've watched Family Guy or Happy Days...)

I just totally wrote in a paragraph full of filler and am totally admitting it. So I guess that would justify my doing so, correct? Thanks for allowing me to validate!

I enjoyed class today... it was nice having a visual medium from which to compare ethos, pathos, logos. I found some of the arguments supporting the repealing of the city ordinance to be pretty pathetic.

If ethos, pathos, logos is confusing anyone... remember root words in the english language and connect them accordingly... like I've written out below.

I'm far from being a pro... I'm just a student... so this might be wrong, Kate please correct me if I am.

Ethos - ETHical appeal. Based on credibility of the writer.
Pathos - PATHOlogical appeal. Emotional appeal.
Logos - LOGical appeal.

Well, that helped me... hopefully it'll help you.

Cheers! and happy weekend.



I feel terrible, I haven't wrote one of these blogs in a while. Anyways, those videos of the amendment one thing were both very weird and confusing. In my opinion they both seemed to be voting for no. The judge from the actual no vote kept saying "no" like a bunch of times and the other one freaked you out with the creepy guy following the little girl. Then asking if we we wanted that in our city...Are you crazy? I would hope no one would want that! It was just very confusing, I thought. Anyways, that ethos, pathos, and logos thing was pretty confusing as while, but today helped a lot when kate was showing us threw the videos and the fear factor article. I still will need more understanding on how we have to write like that, and the difference from how we write now to that. I'm pretty sure she'll explain more though she never leaves my thoughts hanging.


Thursday, October 8, 2009

Peer review

ok well since i didnt do my rough draft for my narrative essay this was my first peer review and that in a way frightened me because i didnt really know what to do so i just followed the paper and answered all the question. when i was reading my comments i realived that i used some weak ass openers and closers and i know i have to work on that but other than that i think i did a pretty good job. and today in class we found out about our next essay and now that one definatly frightens me. i mean we dont know what its about so its all going to be so new and i dont write very well like that because i get nervous and think im gonna screw up so i might need a little extra time on my essay. i think kate was pretty proud of me today because i did my reading and participated in class and i like that feeling of knowing what and the hell is going on so from now on im going to tryu and read all my stuff every week. that amendment 1 thing confused me really bad i dont get why they have to be so complicating??? oh well i guess they have to seem very educated and try to confuse everyone else.
well good luck to all my band members on their final drafts for the comparison and contrast essays. i love our band. we are the best
well i keep trying to add a picture but its not working so i guess im gonna give up??? hope you guys dont have the same problem

-Josh Fortson

2nd Peer Review!!

In class, we did the peer review for the compare and contrast essay and unlike last time I didn’t feel like I did a horrible job. I actually thought it was a decent paper (English is not my greatest subject). So I went into class feeling pretty good. I read someone else’s paper and we did this practically the whole time in class and at the end I went to go see how many comments he had given me and there were 23 comments and let me tell you I freaked out… but when I went t go read them some of them or actually most of them were just comments that he was suggesting I took out and words that should be replaced. There were other comments but not a big deal they need to comment in anyways.

Thursday, October 1, 2009


So, I went today to watch food inc. and I saw that food is nasty. It reminded me of what my history teacher was talking about....there was this guy names Upton Sinclair who went undercover into meat packaging because he wanted to see what was really in the meat. Then when he went he found rats and rats poo and all that good stuff was getting packaged. So then that was when they created the pure food and drug act in which they have to put label on their packages and state everything that is in their meat or drinks. The movie made me realized how much I hate looking at food movies that talk about whats in it and where it came from. I don’t think I’ll be eating out for a while or maybe even at home since I buy packaged meat from publix. Really frustrated now!!!

-Rosa Taveras

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Awesome Day

The weather is amazing today. Its nice and cool outside... I'm only coming back inside to write a blog entry.

I'm not used to this kind of weather, this is a typical mid January day in Miami. Amazing what a difference being inland and only 350 miles away makes. January in Miami is my favorite time of year. Drop below 50 and you've lost me though, I can't deal with that. My blood isn't made for that. Some people like cold - up north type weather though, as Hunter S. Thompson says about those types of people "my blood is too thick for California. I've never been able to properly explain myself here." Okay, okay, I just had to find an excuse for a Thompson quote, crucify me. ANYWAYS...

Kate!!!!- I really, really, REALLY hope you have another outdoors class. That was TOTALLY awesome. It kept my ADD at bay and kept me kind of focused.

And as for what we were talking about fair trade (in reference to the essay on consumerism) you guys should DEFFINITELY go to the farmers market. I go every Wednesday, its freggin awesome. I reccomened you guys try the fresh hummus... and there is a stand that sells awesome fresh bread. And they sometimes have pretty good music there too. Support your local business! Okay, yes I'm an urban hippie... but seriously, check it out.

See everyone next week. Cheers!!


Thursday, September 24, 2009

titans vs lights

well i think im gonna compare the covers of remember the titans and friday night lights. i really dont know how to compare them. i mean kate helped alot today but im still pretty confused on how to compare mine. well i better start tomorrow on it so i dont procrastinate and then dont do it. its a start to fight my procrastination problem. wish me luck. well i just wanna say i am extremly glad we have john in out band. He is really good at taking what we all say and expanding it and making it sound alot smarter then how we say it, So i just wannna say thanks john. Well the main reason i wanted to compare the two covers i picked was the fact that i love football and both movies and pretty muvh forgot that we were only comparing the covers but its all good i know i can do it. well i will see you guys on tuesday. good luck on your papers and have a safe weekend. if you need me you know how to reach me.


So... Unfortunately, I kind of have a lot to say….first of all…this was the hardest choice of essay we need to write about. I had no idea what to pick or who to pick. I had the options of ads or the option of picking friends from my social network. So I ended up picking the facebook friends. Not even sure if I might do it but mite change it.

So…I just wanna say about the band who wrote trash about the teacher……. I just want to say WWWWWOOOOOOWWWWW!!!! Never in my life someone would such a thing especially since they know that she is the one that’s going to be grading this… What in the world were they thinking. I didn’t know college students would have balls to write these things..

So…. Our band rocks…..we do our work and even have time for a break….. Good Job everyone.

-Rosa Taveras

crazy week...

I'm having a really hard time with this ad thing I picked one for two different airlines and another for Calvin Klein. I have no idea how I'm going to be able to write so much on this essay. Anyways, when we went over the reading in our book from What Matter's in America that kind of helped. Seeing how she compared the two and showed the differences as well (wish I could write like that). I'm defiantly the type that does the whole point by point and I kind of hate it. But, it's easy and seriously I just want to get a good grade in this class. Kate is probably by FAR!!! the BEST! teacher I have had in Santa Fe... and with my learning problems and all she really helps me out a lot to understand and see from places I would have never even thought. I think she kicks ass! I am completely at loss for words when it comes to that idiot that said what he said about her my God! Didn't someone in his life tell him at least once "if you don't have something nice to say then don't say it at all!" Anyways I'm guessing the boy was on his man period and wasn't able to get his glazed donuts, so he needed someone to blame... way to go on blaming you're teacher what an ass he made of himself. I don't even know if that has anything to do with the class. But, hey I hope at least by the weekend when I start writing my rough draft I'll understand what I'm doing when I'm comparing and contrasting my two adds! :)

-Allie Garcia

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

you know what else... where >> I << come from...

...You probably fail for insulting the professor.

That was my lame attempt at creativity. Hey, but I caught my ""audience's"" attention... didn't I?
I should get an A for that one.

Anyways... that was also a creative attempt at being narcissistic. I think I succeeded, and my admission that I believe that I did in-fact... succeed only adds to the narcissistic writing style of this blog post. Hey, I'm using what we learned in class today! Get it...

No I'm not trying to make satire about what we learned, I really did learn some things today in class... like how to improve my sentence structure... which, thank you Kate... will torment me and will only add to my obsessive compulsive tendencies. Now, instead of writing my papers 1 hour before they are due, I am going to have to start a week early so I can revise and re-revise... etc.

I almost died today on my way home. I was riding my scooter home and some a**hole in a black Nissan Maxima decided to tail me right as I was making a right on to NW 13 St from 39 ave. He rode right up on my tail and basically sped up to me as I was turning. I fell off, but I won't make this uber dramatic. (I used uber... we talked about how the English language borrows from other languages today) ((except I can't, for the life of me, figure out how to write an umlaut)). I just scraped my knee and burned my arm pretty badly. But its all good. "Why did he mention that" you might ask... because there are thousands of scooters in this city, so don't drive like an asshole... please... 6'0" 220 lb guys on tiny 50cc scooters don't make for a good mix... or rapid turning for that matter. So, share the road.

By the way... isn't it awesome how there is a "gif" file for EVERYTHING.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Bad Advertising

I don't know how relevant this is to whatever we should be writing on this blog - but the class discussion today prompted me to really think about the target audiences in ad campaigns.  I found myself remembering some thoughts I had to myself during one ad campaign... I think it was for the Dodge 1500.  In those ads, they would have a few guys take the truck around some obstacle course which would probably destroy my humble sedan.  They would drive through fire, massive potholes, rocks, desert, and shallow lakes.  The guys in the car would be screaming and really enjoying there time in the car.  Thats great... if your marketing that car to that audience.  But I thought to myself, honestly... who honestly is going to buy a car for that purpose alone?  Granted, there might be a GREAT niche audience that campaign might've been geared towards, but I think the advertisers really missed the point that they are trying to sell VOLUME, and you can't get a high volume of sales by advertising to a tiny audience.  And, I think this was one of the great failure of the American automotive sector - they kept on pushing products in an economic environment where people weren't looking for ultra rugged outdoor sports cars, they wanted something that could get them to and from work without breaking the bank.  I'm a guy, and I do some "guy" gender roll things... ie: watch football... drink gratuitous amounts of beer,  hell, I even change my own oil... but the last thing I want is a truck which is going to contribute to the destruction of our planet and cause me to go bankrupt via my gas-card.  Its 2009, not 1959, and GM, Chrysler, and Ford don't really realize that.  I think if ad campaigns would find a way to focus on guys like me, they would find a wider audience.  
Or maybe I just over thought and overwrote this whole thing....  

Peer Reading!!!

So….we had an assignment to write an essay and I wrote mine on how I am nostalgic about the 90s and how I enjoyed growing up In that era, when there wasn’t much violence and people were actually normal and humble. Most people nowadays are kind of stuck up. So when I go to class I thought I did okay but when I began peer reading my partners paper….mines went to crap. I really couldn’t find any errors. Even though Kate said that there’s always something wrong. It was so descriptive and great vivid imaged and my essay didn’t sound as good as hers. Then I felt I wanted to write my essay all over and change topics.

-Rosa Taveras

Im a slacker...

Ok well in class tuesday we were supposed to have our rough drafts to our narrative essays done and turn them in but i didn't go to class because i didn't do it. well i was going to do it because i knew that if i didn't it would hurt my grade but then last thursday in my 8:00am public speaking class our professer told us we had to do a paper and it was due tuesday and i already missed one in there so i went ahead and done the one for public speaking and completly forgot about the narrative essay until like right before class tuesday because i had worked on the other paper all weekend. I mean i know should have just done it when she first handed it out but damn i had to do alot for that paper. but its cool i know it was all my fault because im the biggest procrastinator in the world. I always wait till the last minute and usually that screws me over so i think from now on im gonna try to do all my work before its due because waiting till the last minute has not worked for me lately.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

the peer review

So we had to make comments on other people's rough drafts and I thought it was going to be easy! I wanted to pull my hair out!!! I read the essay like over and over again and finally thinking to myself this is NOT a ROUGH draft! haha it was soooo good. Seriously he was already done in my opinion with his paper. It made me feel like an idiot thinking oh my god! He is reading my paper probably thinking I was either not feeling good when I wrote it or i'm just plain stupid! haha I'm now debating whether or not to rewrite my whole entire paper now! haha it might sound funny my it's true as sad as it is....

-Allie Garcia

Thursday, September 10, 2009

I ran across this article while going to check my email on AOL.  I don't particularly trust all of my news "stuff" from AOL, but this struck me, as we had been discussing this same exact thing in class.  People tattooing brands on themselves!!!  What the hell is this?   And people are so concerned with like RF Id chips, and a new world order, and all this crap... but it feel like the ordinary person is ushering in the takeover of a corporate controlled life!!  What the hell has Nike ever done for you, except have your dunks match nicely with your shirt.

Nike Sweatshops: True or False?

Ok so i was just searching nike sweatshops because i didn't really believe that there were any and well now i think i may be wrong. If you even type in Nike Sweats the first thing that pops up is a site about sweatshops. So now i know they do have them. when you search pictures too you can find some of women in sweatshops working on nike shoes and accessories.

I found the emails between Nike and Peretti actually kind of pointless. i don't get why he would want shoes that had "Sweatshop" on them. I understand he said that he wanted it to dedicate to all the workers for all there hard work but im thinking "really dude? stop being an ass." he was just trying to be a smart ass because he wanted to start some drama which it did and became a popular topic so if thats what he was trying to achieve way to go! But still your an ass. Oh and the way he asked for a picture of the girl working on his shoes....un-called for that was a low blow.

-Josh Fortson

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

obama speech..

I honestly don't know exactly what to write about in this blog...but I decided to talk about the Obama speech. I enjoyed some of the things he said tonight. I have to be honest something about Obama in my opinion scares me! But, I am young so I'm still learning, anyways there was somethings in his speech about healthcare I really respected and appreciated from him. Like how he wants everyone in America to be able to have health insurance, and the whole thing about medicare. My father not to long ago had cancer, and thinking back on it if we didn't have health insurance I have no idea what would have happened, and where I would be today emotionally. My heart goes out to the people that have had issues with not being able to pay for medicine or surgery, which could have saved that person. I'm glad to know that he is making it one of his top priorities in changing some of the ways in America.

-Allie Garcia

Just Do It!!!

Well… let me just say that even though it wasn’t discussed in class yet… the article about this man who ordered a pair of Nike shoes and wanted to write sweatshop on. The emails sent back and forth were the funniest thing but Perreti was a bit harsh at the end with the whole can you do me a favor and send me a picture of the little Korean girl who is making them. That was a just a bit a rude and unnecessary . I know that maybe if he didn’t write why he wanted the word sweatshop then they would’ve written it for him. This is a lesson for you not to be rude to people… besides the customer is always write.

On other news, we would’ve rocked the responses but of course our professor was rushing us. But at least we finished…. Good job Th3 Unkn0wn$!!!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The Hunt

Today was interesting. I never saw Pollan's article the way I saw it today. It's crazy to think of hunting the way he did almost in the sense, like he said, "porn hunt" or something to that affect. I understood today what he meant, but from a different perspective. I was completely blown away to see through different eyes and to experience his disgust. Like I referred today in class, it was almost like the movie Taken; going out on a "hunt" looking for an aimless, innocent soul wondering around and attacking the being at its weakest moment. After having complete control of the victim using it for their pleasure, it's sad to see it that way but it's the way we as mankind were created. I believe God made us as humans with many animal instincts, which is why we have men who abuse there wives or family, as well as women go crazy and fight for their young. I really enjoyed rethinking and looking more in depth with Pollan's reading. I understand how he was disgusted, but also believe that it's the way God created mankind to always be out on a "hunt" in some sort of way. Also, I was very pleased to read the ending of his article and to see what, how, and why he redefined his definition of the "perfect meal." I have had the pleasure of reading his article and know about him. I am very interested into looking more into his upcoming stories and events.

Allie Garcia

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Beals vs Pollan

Well after reading Beal's "Faceless on Facebook" i really thought that most of our reading would be a good amount of reading but wouldn't be too long but then i read Pollan's "The Modern Hunter-Gatherer" and realized how wrong i actually was. Ha well i enjoyed reading what Beals had to say in her article apt bout how people judge you based on whats on your profile because as almost everyone here recently i also have a facebook and people constantly ask why i put some stuff on my facebook. But at the end of the article i was disappointed on how she acted like she was just too good for facebook. to me that was like her saying she was better than everyone that usues it but no human is better than another. In Pollans article he used alot of big words and some confused me but overall it was a good article i enjoyed reading it and didn't think it was all that bad except for how damn long it was!!! But while i was reading the part in Pollan's article about cannibalism it made me think about the movie Wrong Turn.
Which that movie was pretty horrible. I mean if it really happened that would be pretty creepy but as for watching it well i have to say it kinda sucked and the acting was not so good. The only reason most people watched it is because there were good looking women in revealing clothes running for their lives. The only person i knew in the movie was Eliza Dushku, who also played in The New Guy which in my opinion was a very funny movie. Well overall i enjoyed "Faceless on Facebook" more but Pollan's article wasn;t all that bad either.
-Josh Fortson


Let me tell you something... it was a great first class discussion in class. I'm not saying it because I want my teacher to read this and give me an "A" but because everyone can actually relate to facebook. I was actually interested in the topic... I mean I have a facebook and I know what people care about. This was our first reading but when I went ahead and read the second one we needed to read for Thursday….it wasn’t that interesting as the first one. It was long and long and just very long… I mean it had a point of how she related it to class but it was too long. I kind of like the topics that we can relate to rather than having to read some author I don’t even know with a topic that isn’t appealing.

-Rosa Taveras